Webb captures gravitationally bound star clusters

An international team of astronomers have used the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope to discover gravitationally bound star clusters when the Universe was 460...

Alignment of bipolar jets confirms star formation theories

For the first time, a phenomenon astronomers have long hoped to image directly has been captured by the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope’s Near-InfraRed...

New data revise our view of this unusual supernova explosion

The Crab Nebula is a nearby example of the debris left behind when a star undergoes a violent death in a supernova explosion. However,...

James Webb Space Telescope Shed Light on Early Universe Supernovae

NASA’s Webb Opens New Window on Supernova Science

Webb finds an abundance of carbon molecules surrounding a star

The results reveal the largest number of carbon-containing molecules seen to date in such a disk.

Exploring the mysterious case of the Inflated Exoplanet

Webb cracks case of inflated exoplanet

Most distant black hole merger to date observed

The first time that this phenomenon has been detected so early in the Universe.

Juno spots Jupiter’s little moon: Amalthea

Amalthea has a potato-like shape.

Astrophysicist Discovers Fiery, Volcanic Planet 66 Light Years Away from Earth

UC Riverside's astrophysicist, Stephen Kane, has made a groundbreaking discovery. He has found a planet called HD104067.01 that is situated in a star system...

Webb Space Telescope detects atmosphere on Exoplanet 55 Cancri e

Researchers using the James Webb Space Telescope find evidence of atmospheric gases surrounding a rocky exoplanet.

Hubble captures a galaxy with a voracious Black Hole

The galaxy NGC 4951 is a fascinating example of a Seyfert galaxy.

Webb captures stunning infrared images of the Horsehead Nebula

The sharpest infrared images to date of one of the most distinctive objects in our skies.

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