James Webb Space Telescope

Phoenix galaxy cluster found in the act of extreme cooling
Webb's observations help to explain the cluster’s mysterious starburst.

Webb gives the best glimpse ever into the icy planetesimals of the early solar system
A clearer picture of how the outer solar system formed and evolved.

Astronomers discover cosmic Wreaths and Christmas tree clusters in space
Displaying stellar circle of life.

James Webb Space Telescope Uncovers ‘Firefly Sparkle’
James Webb Space Telescope Uncovers 'Firefly Sparkle': A Unique Early-Forming Galaxy Similar to Young Milky Way

Record breaking: Webb may have discovered the earliest galaxies ever seen
Webb finds surprises in Spiderweb protocluster field.

Three galactic ‘red monsters’ discovered in the early Universe
The formation of stars in the early Universe was far more efficient than previously thought.

The oldest galaxies are large and bright, supporting alternative gravity theory
New research challenges dark matter theory in galaxy formation.

Fastest-feeding black hole: Consuming matter at over 40 times its theoretical limit
A low-mass supermassive black hole.

Webb observed ‘inside-out’ growth of a galaxy in the early Universe
Only 700 million years after the Big Bang.

A glimpse of a uniquely inflated and asymmetric exoplanet
The exoplanet WASP-107b is tidally locked to its star.

JWST examined the outskirts of our Milky Way galaxy
Within the Milky Way’s outskirts is a firecracker show of star formation.

NASA’s Webb detects ‘morning’ and ‘evening’ on an exoplanet
Near-infrared spectral analysis of the terminator confirms differences in morning and evening atmosphere.

Webb captures gravitationally bound star clusters
An international team of astronomers have used the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope to discover gravitationally bound star clusters when the Universe was 460...

New data revise our view of this unusual supernova explosion
The Crab Nebula is a nearby example of the debris left behind when a star undergoes a violent death in a supernova explosion. However,...

James Webb Space Telescope Shed Light on Early Universe Supernovae
NASA’s Webb Opens New Window on Supernova Science

Webb finds an abundance of carbon molecules surrounding a star
The results reveal the largest number of carbon-containing molecules seen to date in such a disk.

Webb Telescope offers first glimpse of an exoplanet’s interior
A surprisingly low amount of methane and a super-sized core hide within the cotton candy–like planet.

Most distant black hole merger to date observed
The first time that this phenomenon has been detected so early in the Universe.

Webb Space Telescope detects atmosphere on Exoplanet 55 Cancri e
Researchers using the James Webb Space Telescope find evidence of atmospheric gases surrounding a rocky exoplanet.

Webb captures the sharpest infrared images of the top of iconic horsehead nebula
The sharpest infrared images to date of Horsehead Nebula.

Webb captures stunning infrared images of the Horsehead Nebula
The sharpest infrared images to date of one of the most distinctive objects in our skies.

NASA’s James Webb Telescope Probes Starburst Galaxy Messier 82
Amid a galaxy teeming with new and young stars lies an intricate substructure.