Russia Is Building an AI-Powered Missile That Can Think for Itself

The nation wants to emulate the capabilities of the U.S.’s Raytheon Block IV Tomahawk cruise missile.


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Missiles and bombs that are, all too commonplace. However, there are several other weapons out there that seem to have come out of a sci-fi novel. Those advanced weapons are already capable of making decisions by themselves. As most of them rely on Artificial Intelligence, they generally don’t have the ability to choose their own targets.

Now, Russia is also planning to develop an AI-Powered Missile. The nation wants to emulate the capabilities of the U.S.’s Raytheon Block IV Tomahawk cruise missile. Russia is also working on developing drones that function as “swarms” using AI.

Boris Obnosov said at the MosAeroShow (MAKS-2017) said, “Work in this area is under way. This is a very serious field where fundamental research is required. As of today, certain successes are available, but we’ll still have to work for several years to achieve specific results.”

“We saw this example, and when the Americans used it in Syria … when it is possible to re-direct [missiles] to targets.”

As TAAS, a Russian News Agency reported, this AI-powered missile will be able to analyze the air and radar situation and make decisions on the altitude, the speed and the direction of their flight.

It is important to develop the sound policy to guide AI development to prevent humans from using such technology for nefarious purposes.

Although, Russia is not the first country to develop an AI-Powered Missile. The U.S. plans to incorporate AI into a long-range antiship missile, and China is supposedly working on its own AI-powered weapons.

