PLOS Medicine

Probing the underlying mechanisms of immune dysfunction in Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

With a median age at diagnosis of 70 years, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common form of leukemia in Western nations and...

Men and women with migraine have a higher chance of experiencing an ischemic stroke

Women may also have a slightly higher risk of heart attack and hemorrhagic stroke.

How treatment affect to patients having chronic diseases?

Researchers found no evidence that treatment efficacies depend on number of comorbidities.

Mediterranean diet may reduce type 2 diabetes risk more than previously thought

Researchers have developed a novel way to detect whether a person follows a Mediterranean diet using a blood test and, applying this method, have...

The midlife crisis 2.0: How the pandemic has affected over-50s

British adults experienced highest-ever levels of poor mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Children who are breastfed or mixed-fed are at lower risk of having special educational need

Feeding methods in infancy could be a modifiable risk factor for the causes of special educational needs.

Progestogen-only and combined hormonal contraceptives have similar association with breast cancer risk

An analysis of almost 10,000 women with breast cancer under the age of 50 found a similar association regardless of the type of hormonal contraceptive.

β-blockers may reduce aggression in persons with major psychiatric disorders

Study assesses medicated vs. non-medicated behavioral health in 1.4 million individuals over an eight-year period

UK soft drink taxes associated with decreased obesity in girls

Study tracking childhood obesity in England from 2014-2020 found 8% reduction in obesity among 10-11 year old girls coinciding with 2018 soft drinks industry levy

Cooking with wood or coal is linked to an increased risk of eye disease

There was little difference in risk between the different types of solid fuel used.

Children with dengue infection could be protected from symptomatic Zika

Dengue has been endemic to the Americas, Zika wasn’t reported in the region until 2015. The viruses are very similar: they are transmitted by...

Scientists found an association between chronic ill health and heart attack

The study conducted at the University of Leeds unveiled that certain chronic conditions cluster together and that clustering had an association with how long...

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