HomeFrontiers in Marine Science

Frontiers in Marine Science

New tools to determine climate-adaptive coral reefs

New treatment can help corals survive a disease outbreak

Jay Kakade

A study conducted by researchers at Qatar University has developed a mixture of chlorine and cocoa butter that acts as an antiseptic to kill...

dust particles flying upward

Long-range dust transport enhances oceanic iron bioavailability

Ashwini Sakharkar

Oceanic life was found to be thriving thanks to Saharan dust blown from thousands of kilometers away.

Image showing whale

Whales’ contribution to the global carbon flux is too small

Pranjal Malewar

Whales not to be counted on as ‘climate savers’.


More whale songs detected during the La Niña years

Pranjal Malewar

Singing the blues!

Determining dolphins' age using epigenetics

Determining dolphins’ age using epigenetics

Amit Malewar

Genetic markers tell us the age of dolphins.

A heat-map demonstrating where differences are most likely to occur in shell shape among gastropods exposed to raised CO2 levels (with red indicating a greater degree of change) CREDIT Ben Harvey

Sea snail shells dissolve in increasingly acidified oceans, study shows

Pranjal Malewar

Researchers from the University of Tsukuba, Japan, and the University of Plymouth, UK, assessed the impact of rising carbon dioxide levels on the large...

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