European Team Announces Superconducting Tape for WindTurbines


European scientists have developed a cheaper and more efficient superconducting tape. This superconducting tape has the ability to channel electricity with zero resistance and very little power loss. According to scientists, this tape could double the potency of wind turbines. And the most mind-blowing feature is that it conducts 100 times more electricity than copper.

Xavier Obradors said, “This material, a copper oxide, is like a thread that conducts 100 times more electricity than copper. With this thread you can, such as, make cables to transport much more electricity or generate much more intense magnetic fields than today.”

“This new material is useful to make more potent and lighter wind turbines. Although, it will make it possible to manufacture wind turbines one day with double the potency than existing ones.”

Scientists conducted the research for 4 Years. The research involves world leaders in the field of superconductivity from nine European nations. Those are Austria, Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.

When an electric current passes through a conductor, part of the charge is lost as heat that increases the distance of charge travels. Whereas in superconductivity, electrical resistance suddenly drops to zero in some metals. But, they also cooled to near absolute zero.

This newly developed superconducting tape produces a strong magnetic field. This is the same application to the effect which found applications, including in MRI body scanners.

To achieve zero transmission, cables are encased in tubes to cool with liquid nitrogen. The cables are encased in tubes to cool with liquid nitrogen to make them superconductive. It actually necessary makes the tape more superconductive.

Scientists hope that this superconductive tape will one day become a superconductor at room temperature. This will allow zero-loss transmission of power at long distances.
