Bigger eyes but reduced brain power in nocturnal fishes

The impact of dim‐light vision on neural investment in marine teleosts.


Coral reefs buzz with movement all day and all night. As the day-dynamic fishes withdraw at dusk, the night-dynamic or nocturnal fishes wander out to search and chase. Furnished with unique qualities, these fishes are adjusted to lead an existence in darkness. So how do the dim environment impact the way they see?

A universal group of researchers drove by Dr. Teresa Iglesias and Prof. Evan Economo from Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) set out to examine this question. They inspected how the brains of nocturnal fishes adjust to the low-light conditions they live in.

The retina of the eye has on its surface two sorts of particular nerve cells: cones and rods. While cones are initiated in splendid light, rods work better in diminishing light. The data caught by these cells is transported by nerves to the visual processing centers in the brain and sorted out into coherent pictures. In many vertebrates, a cerebrum locale called the optic tectum processes visual data.  However, it is unclear how it should change to maximize the effectiveness of low-light vision.

Nocturnal fishes were found to have smaller optic tecta (relative to the rest of the brain) than those that are active during the day, even though their eyes are larger.  Credit:  TLI
Nocturnal fishes were found to have smaller optic tecta (relative to the rest of the brain) than those that are active during the day, even though their eyes are larger.

To discover, the exploration group looked at the sizes of optic tecta inside the brains of fishes that are dynamic amid the day and those dynamic around evening time. In excess of a hundred fishes from almost 66 unique species were gotten from reefs around Hawaii and North Carolina, USA.

Most day-active fishes were found to have larger optic tecta (relative to the rest of the brain) than those that are nocturnal. Credit: TLI
Most day-active fishes were found to have larger optic tecta (relative to the rest of the brain) than those that are nocturnal.

This catch included of 44 day-dynamic species and 16 nocturnal species with an extensive variety of nourishment propensities: some ate other fish, others sustained on infinitesimal tiny fish, and still, others were base staying foragers. Once got, the fishes were shot and their heads saved in formalin. Later in the lab, the scientists estimated the measure of each fish’s eye and lens, then scanned the animals’ saved brains utilizing smaller scale CT scanners.

Bright environments are rich in visual information such as colors, patterns, and textures, and deciphering them requires more complex processing than deciphering poorly-lit environments. Take photographs, for example, the latest camera can capture rich colors and minute details of a person or an object. On the other hand, the black and white photographs from an old family album do not reveal as much. Likewise, optic tectum in the brain must be able to process color, pattern, and brightness.

The eyes of squirrelfish (Holocentrus Rufus), a common nocturnal inhabitant of coral reefs, are almost three times larger than the eyes of day-active fishes of similar body size. Other nocturnal fishes also follow this design pattern.

Nocturnal fish have large eyes as an adaptation to light-deficient environments. Credit: Alex Dornburg
Nocturnal fish have large eyes as an adaptation to light-deficient environments.
Alex Dornburg

The optic tecta in nocturnal fishes might adapt to darkness by expanding, in order to process the larger volume of information that larger eyes might take in, or it could shrink if the information from low light environments is reduced. Initially, the researchers speculated that retina in such fishes would be loaded with more rods and cones than the day-active fishes, and thus require larger optic tecta to process it.

Amazingly, in any case, they found that the optic tecta of squirrelfish and other nocturnal fishes were littler than those of day seekers, proposing that their brains have yielded abilities that are not as helpful during the evening. Since shading isn’t unmistakable in light-inadequate conditions, these fishes have constrained shading keenness and restricted profundity of vision, yet rather, they are capable of identifying development.

Dr. Iglesias said, “Their visual centers may be important for adopting the correct camouflage, but they are also important for detecting predator movements in both bright and dim light. We still have much to learn about how the environment and behavior of a species can shape the evolution of its brain.”

The study also suggests that behavioral traits like the ability of some fishes to camouflage can influence the size of the optic tecta. Among the 66 species of fishes that the scientists sampled, the peacock flounder (Bothus mancus) was found to have the largest optic tectum amongst all.

Peacock flounders dwell on sandy floors of reefs and are active during the day, though they prefer to hunt at night. Like chameleons, they are masters of camouflage and can mimic their surroundings to blend in. This trait, according to the scientists, may explain why peacock flounders possess such highly-developed optic tecta.

Their findings were recently published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology.
