Dr. Prajakta Banik

Prajakta is a writer who enjoys writing about health and science. Besides writing, Prajakta has been helping people to put their best smiles forward. She is interested in teaching the audience the latest discoveries, especially in the medical field.
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How visual cues inform the decision to cooperate

Visuo-frontal interactions in macaque Social learning.

Type 2 diabetes affects vertebral disc behavior

Type 2 diabetes alters annulus fibrosus fiber deformation in UCD-T2DM rats.

Dementia risk increases after mouth ulcer virus

Herpes simplex virus infection doubles Dementia risk in adults.

Ketamine effect influenced by opioid pathways, differing by sex

Sex influences opioid-mediated ketamine responses in rats.

Malaria fight sees improvement

Identification of RNA-dependent proteins across the proteome.

New plant protein fold discovery offers hope for anti-cancer drugs

Intramolecular macrocyclase identified in plant peptide biosynthesis.

Stressed-out brain cells are the cause of neurodegenerative disease

Constant stress triggered by clumping proteins is killing brain cells.

Brain hemorrhage treatment improves survival chances

Anticoagulation impact on intracerebral hemorrhage outcomes.

Gold nanoparticles improve brain function in multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s

Brain target engagement seen in Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis.

Non-White children in England face 12% higher mortality risk

Ethnicity, deprivation, and infant mortality in England.

Diabetes risk is noticeable in young Samoan children

Samoa examines how physical activity and diet affect body composition differently in boys and girls aged 3 to 7.

Vibrating gloves help stroke patients in muscle spasm recovery

Vibrotactile stimulation studied for post-stroke spasticity relief.