University of Chicago

A clever algorithm to improve understanding of particle beams in accelerators

The algorithm pairs ML techniques with beam physics equations to avoid massive data crunching.

A new tool reveals the electronic states of quantum materials

The origin of electronic states is found in designed materials.

Researchers discover an antibody against omicron and other SARS-CoV-2 variants

An antibody that blocks COVID-19 infection.

An easy way to make atomically-thin metal layers for new technology

Economic method to create MXene material could enable new electronics or energy storage methods.

The most accurate map of all the matter in the Universe

The analysis combines Dark Energy Survey, and South Pole Telescope data to understand evolution of universe.

Study unveils why Southern hemisphere is stormier than the Northern

A first concrete explanation for difference, and show it is getting even stormier over time.

How magnetism could help explain Earth’s formation?

It can actually tell us something about the very formation of the Earth-Moon system.

Study deepens mystery behind Mars’ dry climate

On Earth, many forces have combined to keep the conditions remarkably stable for millions of years. But other planets may not be so lucky....

A study reveals why octopuses suffer a tragic death after mating

The study points to changes in cholesterol production.

The inner workings of heat conduction in galaxy clusters revealed

Unraveling the inner workings of heat conduction in the largest building blocks of our Universe.

Scientists created strange quantum ‘domain walls’

Controlled for first time, quantum phenomenon could suggest avenues for technology.

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