HomeSouthwest Research Institute (SwRI)

Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)

water molecules on the surface of an asteroid

Water molecule found on Asteroid for the first time

Amit Malewar

A feature that is unambiguously attributed to molecular water.

large collision on the early Earth

New research offers a theory on how gold and other precious metals found their way to Earth’s mantle

Pranjal Malewar

The dazzling- and fortunate- story of gold.

The large mound structures that dominate one of the lobes of the Kuiper belt object Arrokoth are similar enough to suggest a common origin, according to a new study led by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) Planetary Scientist and Associate Vice President Dr. Alan Stern

Large mounds on Kuiper belt object Arrokoth may have a common origin

Amit Malewar

These “building blocks” could guide further work on planetesimal formational models.


The study discovered the secret to Venus’s youthful appearance

Amit Malewar

What keeps Venus looking so young?

Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities

Giant swirling waves identified at the edge of Jupiter’s magnetosphere

Amit Malewar

The waves are an important process for transferring energy and mass from the solar wind.

phosphorus, a key building block for life

The subsurface ocean of Saturn’s moon- Enceladus, contains a key building block for life

Amit Malewar

Key building block for life found at Saturn's moon Enceladus.

jets of energetic particles

First close-ups of a source of energetic particles expelled from the Sun

Amit Malewar

Close-up views of energetic particle jets ejected from the Sun.

Charon Chasmas

New models explain canyons on Pluto’s moon

Amit Malewar

Internal ocean freeze modeling does not support cryovolcanism on Charon.

Modeling Mima's Interior

Saturn’s smallest moon could support an internal liquid ocean

Amit Malewar

Saturn’s smallest, innermost moon could generate the right amount of heat to support a liquid internal ocean.

Molecular cloud ices

Darkest ever view of a dense interstellar cloud

Amit Malewar

The observations have revealed the composition of a virtual treasure chest of ices from the early universe.

Magnetic topology and electron flow direction

Scientists found evidence of magnetic reconnection between Ganymede and Jupiter

Amit Malewar

This gives us a very early tantalizing taste of the information we expect to learn from ESA’s JUICE mission.

Sun’s middle corona

Scientists discovered web-like plasma structures in the Sun’s middle corona

Amit Malewar

The findings could lead to a better understanding of the solar wind’s origins.

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