National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

A new theory to explain the origin of phosphorus

Astronomers proposed a new model based on oxygen-neon novae.

Supermassive black holes have a significant impact on galactic chemistry

This provides another piece of the puzzle for understanding how galaxies evolve.

The team identified gas-feeding material to three protostars

Three spiral arms of gas feeding material to three protostars forming in a trinary system.

New observations distinguished the sites of star formation and star death

This is the farthest that such structures have been observed.

ALMA explores the mysteries of planet formation more thoroughly

The disks around protostars are different from more-evolved proto-planetary disks.

Astronomers have discovered a supernova exhibiting unprecedented rebrightening

Resurrected supernova provides missing-link.

Milky Way is somewhat normal but not completely normal

This result is important for understanding to what extent we can apply what we know about the local environment.

Gravitational interactions drive Milky Way’s galactic bar bulges

Is over-eating to blame for bulges in milky way bar?

A super-Earth planet has been found near the habitable zone of a red dwarf star

Super-Earth skimming habitable zone of Red Dwarf.

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