HomeHiroshima University

Hiroshima University


Self-assembling helical supramolecular polymer inspired by nature

Ashwini Sakharkar

An artificial polymer that organizes itself into a controlled helix.

Image showing he night shift simulations showed that those who took two naps lasting 90 and 30 minutes, respectively, fought off drowsiness until 6 a.m. Meanwhile, participants who took a single 120-minute nap reported feeling worse levels of drowsiness as soon as 4 a.m.

Night shift survival: Ideal nap strategy for new parents and workers

Dr. Prajakta Banik

The impact of short and long naps on alertness and performance: A reanalysis.

the ‘invisible’ engine

Astronomers pinpointed the ‘Engine’ of luminous merging galaxies for the first time

Amit Malewar

This source was deeply hidden by cosmic dust.

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