It’s Time To Embrace The eSIM

Time to say GoodBye to existing physical SIM cards.


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Many machine-to-machine Devices will not be easily reachable for the purpose of provisioning a subscription. Having concern over this issue, the GSM Alliance (GSMA) in 2013 find out a solution called Embedded-SIM technology (eSIM). The embedded SIM is a secure element designed to remotely manage multiple mobile network operator subscriptions and be compliant with GSMA specifications.

The technology has the potential of getting connected to cellular networks in much more convenient way. But, since its introduction, there was no user-friendly set of specifications available.

Now, in collaboration with Microsoft, Intel, and Qualcomm on a new generation of connected PCs with eSIMs onboard, the GSMA is all set to show the technology feature in all sorts of gadgets over the next few years.

Once the SIM soldered onto the hardware without any SIM slot, it can be more easily waterproofed. It integrates the identification technology of the plastic card into the device’s processor or the modem itself. Currently, Intel offers it in existing XMMTM 7260 modem and upcoming XMM 7360 model, while Qualcomm offers it in the Snapdragon 835 chipset.  If your machine already has a SIM card tray, you can even slide it in an adapter.

The fascinating thing about it is coming with its new version called ‘remote SIM provisioning (RSP)‘, where eSIM can store and adopt different profiles. That means you can easily switch carriers without having to get a new card without worrying about being locked to one carrier. Thus, you can easily get wireless plans while traveling or buying a specific amount of data pack without visiting recharge retailers’ shop.

Microsoft said that “they are making the carrier selection process part of the Windows 10 interface. It could be as easy as picking a wireless operator the way you select a WiFi network, then going to the Windows Store to buy the amount of data you think you’ll need.”

Although, we are few months far to have benefits of eSIM and the resulting carrier flexibility. In short, we will soon say GoodBye to existing physical SIM cards altogether.

