TOPICSString Theory

String Theory

Theoretical prediction of the image of the black hole from the table-top experiment. The radius of the ring depends on the temperature. The image of the black hole is deformed as the observation point θobs is varied. Credit: Osaka University

New holographic method to simulate black holes with tabletop experiment

Amit Malewar

The holographic image of a simulated black hole, if observed by this tabletop experiment, may serve as an entrance to the world of quantum...

Physicist is a step closer to solving a string theory

Physicist is a step closer to solving a string theory

Amit Malewar

Since the 1960s, researchers have been puzzling string theory, a theoretical framework of reality that includes tiny, wriggling one-dimensional objects- called strings—that make up...

In their article, the scientists propose a new model with dark energy and our Universe riding on an expanding bubble in an extra dimension. Photograph: Suvendu Giri

Our universe may be sitting on a bubble within an extra dimension

Amit Malewar

We know that our universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, but what causes this growth remains a mystery. The most likely explanation is...

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