
Most extensive study yet of how magnetically active stars are when they are young

Chandra sees stellar X-rays exceeding safety limits.

Hubble detects Emission nebula- Star cluster duo

NGC 1858 is estimated to be around 10 million years old.

Most distant supermassive black hole devouring a star

Earlier this year, the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (ESO’s VLT) was alerted after an unusual source of visible light had been detected...

Groups of stars in certain envoirnment can regulate themselves

Astronomers see stellar self-control in action.

Astronomers observe intra-group light between galaxies

The brightest parts of the intra-group light are ~50 times fainter than the darkest night sky on Earth.

A new map of the universe displays the entire known cosmos

The map allows you to scroll through the universe.

Webb revealed once-hidden features of the protostar

Webb’s NIRCam Instrument Shows the Beginning of Protostar Evolution

Astronomers measured the size of a star that exploded more than 11 billion years ago

Red-supergiant supernova images reveal secrets of an earlier universe.

Astronomers spotted a star with a solid surface and no atmosphere

Magnetized dead star likely has a solid surface.

Planets can be an anti-aging formula for stars

The team examined systems containing a star orbited by a hot Jupiter.

New puzzling discovery challenges Newton’s laws of gravity

Astronomy: Observation puzzles researchers.

Astronomers observed an unusual Jupiter-like planet orbiting a cool red dwarf star

'Marshmallow' World Orbiting a Cool Red Dwarf Star

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