
Global maps of coronal magnetic field

The international team produces global maps of the coronal magnetic field

Amit Malewar

For the first time, scientists have conducted near-daily measurements of the Sun's global coronal magnetic field, a region that has historically been observed only...

solar coronal magnetic field

Detailed maps of the Sun’s coronal magnetic fields

Amit Malewar

First magnetic field maps of the Sun’s corona.

Zooming into the Sun

The clearest picture of the Sun

Amit Malewar

Zooming into the Sun.

partial section of the Sun with gas at 1 million degrees

Shooting stars discovered on the Sun’s corona

Amit Malewar

A never-before-seen ‘falling star’-type phenomena revealed.

NASA Parker Solar Probe

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe soared through one of the most powerful coronal mass ejections

Amit Malewar

Witnessing the massive solar eruption with Parker Solar Probe.

center of the Sun

Scientists have cracked the Sun’s greatest mystery

Amit Malewar

Heat waves on the Sun.

AI-generated deepfake image

Using AI images to understand the Sun’s atmosphere

Amit Malewar

Unraveling the mysteries of the Sun’s atmosphere.

NASA's Parker Solar Probe has completed its 16th science orbit

Milestone: NASA’s Parker Solar Probe completes its 16th orbit of the Sun

Amit Malewar

What can come within 5.3 million miles of the solar surface?

Extreme ultra-violet emission by solar coronal plasma

Intense wave energy discovered in the coldest region on the Sun

Amit Malewar

How are temperatures in the corona hundreds of times hotter than temperatures at the Sun’s visible surface?

corona loop

Simulation reveals clues to the mechanism behind bursts of high-energy particles

Pranjal Malewar

Each experiment consumes about as much energy as it takes to run a 100-watt lightbulb for about a minute.

Image showing explosion from sun

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe uncovered clues about the origins of the solar wind

Amit Malewar

This finding is helping scientists better understand the 60-year-old mystery.

Sun’s middle corona

Scientists discovered web-like plasma structures in the Sun’s middle corona

Amit Malewar

The findings could lead to a better understanding of the solar wind’s origins.

Halo-like solar corona

The largest turbulence simulation reveals the energy flow in astrophysical plasmas

Amit Malewar

Breakthrough in identifying the puzzling cause.

The Sun`s atmosphere

Unlocking one of the Sun’s most persevering secrets

Pranjal Malewar

Catching the dynamic Coronal Web.

Sun Corona

Scientists observed a quasi-periodic fast-propagating (QFP) wave train in corona

Amit Malewar

The images were taken by the LASCO on board the SOHO.

Solar switchback

ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter spacecraft has solved the magnetic switchback mystery

Amit Malewar

It points towards how their physical formation mechanism might help accelerate the solar wind.

Solar Orbiter at perihelion

Solar Orbiter shows the Sun like never seen before

Amit Malewar

The ESA-led mission is providing the most extraordinary insights into the Sun’s magnetic behavior.

space-based coronagraph STEREO/COR-1A

Unraveling the dynamics of the solar corona

Amit Malewar

It can also give a clear picture of the characteristics of CMEs and make their study easier.

Schematic of positions of Earth and MOM spacecraft

ISRO used MOM to study solar corona

Amit Malewar

A unique opportunity to study solar dynamics.

solar atmosphere

Scientists solved a 2-decades old paradox in solar physics

Amit Malewar

Opening up a new window for exploring the elusive magnetic fields of the solar chromosphere.

July 12, 2012 coronal mass ejection

Which way does the solar wind blow?

Amit Malewar

Using supercomputers, researchers develop new software for improved space weather prediction.

supermassive black hole

Supermassive black holes devour gas just like smaller, stellar-mass black holes

Amit Malewar

Regardless of size, all black holes experience similar accretion cycles, a new study finds.

Scientists located the source of hazardous high-energy particles in the sun

Scientists located the source of hazardous high-energy particles in the sun

Amit Malewar

The study also confirms that the plasma is held down in the Sun's atmosphere by strong magnetic fields.

yellow sphere illustration

Magnetic waves explain the mystery of the Sun’s corona

Amit Malewar

This discovery generated what is one of the long-standing open questions in astrophysics.

A new view of small sun structures

A new view of small sun structures

Amit Malewar

New insight into the solar structures that create the Sun’s flow of high-speed solar wind.

A close-up of one of the loop brightenings

Scientists have captured the full lifecycle of a putative nanoflare

Amit Malewar

This may be the first complete observation of a Nanoflare.

Images of the sun captured by the IRIS mission

The study offers clues on what makes the sun’s atmosphere so hot

Amit Malewar

Scientists get the lowdown on sun’s super-hot atmosphere.

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) could be more extreme than previously thought

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) could be more extreme than previously thought

Amit Malewar

Solar storms could be more extreme if they ‘slipstream’ behind each other.

First-ever clear images of nanojets

First-ever clear images of nanojets

Amit Malewar

IRIS eyes Nanojets.

A map of the coronal magnetic field strength superimposed on a coronal image taken by the AIA instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory

Scientists measured the global magnetic field of the solar corona

Amit Malewar

A wonderful demonstration of how we can exploit the Alfvén waves.

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