New Way to Accelerate On-Chip Core-To-Core Communication

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Several of computer functions needs multiple processors, or cores, to work together in a coordinated way. The Intel Corporation have developed a novel way to optimize core-to-core communication. This coordination gains through sending and receiving software commands between cores. But this requires cores to read and execute the software, which takes time. So, scientists from North Carolina State University in collaboration with the Intel Corporation have developed a novel way to optimize core-to-core communication.

They have developed a chip design that replaces the software instructions with built-in hardware. This advance depends on a hardware coordinate efforts between cores for multiprocessor operations.

This new approach is known as core-to-core communication acceleration framework (CAF). It can improve communication performance by two to 12 times. That means, the execution time from start to finish is twice as fast or faster.

The queue management device is the essential equipment to this CAF design. This is a small device attached to the processor network on a chip and can perform basic computational functions. It efficiently keeps track of communication requests between cores without having to rely on software routines. Thus, it may use to aggregate data from multiple cores.

Yan Solihin, a professor at NC State, said, “We are now looking at developing other on-chip devices that could accelerate more multi-core computations.”

The paper, “CAF: Core to Core Communication Acceleration Framework,” will display at the 25th Annual Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, being held Sept. 11 to 15 in Haifa, Israel

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