New clues discovered to lung transplant rejection

A process that may prevent antibody-mediated rejection and lead to the development of therapies to treat this form of rejection.


Lung transplantation often remains the only viable option for improving the survival of patients with end-stage lung disease. This condition can be brought on by emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, and other lung disorders.

The problem during lung transplant is organ failure. Often, the culprit is lung rejection, which occurs when cells in the patient’s immune system perceive the donor lung as a foreign threat. This condition generally is treated by giving patients medications to suppress the immune system.

Be that as it may, one especially fatal type of rejection— called antibody- intervened rejection— stays hard to analyze after a lung transplant and is for the most part impervious to accessible medications. This procedure has been seen in excess of 10 percent of lung transplant beneficiaries. It happens when a sort of white blood cells, called B cells, from the beneficiary produces antibodies against the donor’s lung.

In a new study by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, scientists identified in mice, a process that may prevent antibody-mediated rejection and lead to the development of therapies to treat this form of rejection.

Daniel Kreisel, MD, Ph.D., the surgical director of lung transplantation at the School of Medicine and Barnes-Jewish Hospital said, “Antibody-mediated rejection is a vexing problem that is increasingly being acknowledged as an important cause of lung failure after transplantation.”

“Unfortunately, this complication can be fast-moving and hard to detect before it’s too late. Even when we do recognize it, current treatments have had limited success. Lung transplant centers — not just ours, but across the world — are losing too many patients to the condition.”

In excess of 4,200 lung transplants were performed worldwide in 2016, as indicated by the 2018 International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation Registry Report. Five years after lung transplantation, about half of the transplanted lungs are still working, as indicated by the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network. Be that as it may, this contrasts and five-year organ survival rates of around 70 to 80 percent for liver, heart and kidney transplants.

The examination’s first author, WenJun Li, MD, a partner educator of medical procedure and chief of microsurgery in the Thoracic Immunobiology Laboratory, built up a strategy for re-transplanting pea-sized mouse lungs. A re-transplant methodology includes the placement of a previously transplanted lung into another host so as to evaluate safe systems that are set up in the transplanted lung.

Li said, “This mouse lung re-transplant model is extremely delicate and technically challenging. Using genetic tools, Li manipulated interactions involving immune cells within re-transplanted lung grafts.”

The scientists found that giving mice immunosuppressive drugs at the season of transplant helped the lungs to endure and actuated the development of lymph node-like structures inside the lung grafts. They found that these recently prompted structures contained Foxp3-communicating T cells, a cell populace that can hose insusceptible reactions.

The specialists noticed that counteracting agent intervened dismissal after lung transplantation happens when B cells blend with T cells in the contributor’s lung. This mixing together among B and T cells is anticipated by Foxp3-expressing T cells. This recommends a treatment might be produced that interferes with the cooperation so the two cell types can’t locate one another.

Kreisel said, “We thought these Foxp3 T-cells would inhibit activation of T cells after lung transplantation and prevent cellular rejection. Instead, we were surprised to find that it was the antibody-producing B cells that sparked lung rejection when Foxp3 T cells were absent.”

“Future research needs to show whether these findings will translate into human lung transplant recipients, and possibly to other organ transplant patients who develop antibody-mediated rejection. The ultimate goal is to extend the lives of lung transplant recipients.”

The study is published Feb. 1 in The Journal of Clinical Investigation.
