Science of The Total Environment

Science of The Total Environment

Using aerosols to detect climate change

Using aerosols to understand changes in transboundary air pollution pathways due to climate changes.

Shipping lanes threaten whale shark feeding grounds

Most dangerous areas for whale shark-shipping vessel collisions revealed.

Several air contaminants are linked to children’s asthma symptoms

It’s not just one pollutant that can be linked to asthma outcomes.

Balancing Biodiversity, Climate Change, and Food: A Trifecta

Scientists identify ways landowners in rural Brazil can find win-win situations, with biodiversity and farming.

Stormwater Biofiltration increases coho salmon hatchling survival

Bioretention filtration prevents acute mortality and reduces chronic toxicity for early-life stage coho salmon.

Exposure to chemicals in everyday products is linked to reduced fertility

The study is one of the first to show its impact in humans.

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