Geophysical Research Letters

Saturn’s smallest moon could support an internal liquid ocean

Saturn’s smallest, innermost moon could generate the right amount of heat to support a liquid internal ocean.

Scientists found evidence of magnetic reconnection between Ganymede and Jupiter

This gives us a very early tantalizing taste of the information we expect to learn from ESA’s JUICE mission.

Tonga eruption sparked massive phytoplankton bloom

After staying relatively inactive since 2014, the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai volcano erupted on Jan. 2022. The eruption sent atmospheric shock waves, sonic booms, and...

Dynamic proton aurora events observed on Mars

The study presents first definitive evidence for spatially localized “patchy” proton aurora on Mars.

Locations within pits on the Moon harbor comfortable temperatures

The pits or caves would also offer some protection from cosmic rays, solar radiation, and micrometeorites.

Scientists observed another mechanism driving Saturn’s Auroras

The study is based on observations made with the W. M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea, Hawaiʻi Island.

Understanding sea ice processes in a region of Antarctica

A Kiwi research team has, for the first time ever, used a fixed wing aircraft to measure the thickness of a huge area of sea ice in Antarctica.

Predicting the future for Arctic wetlands

By now, scientists have made it as clear as they possibly can that climate change is real and greenhouse gas emissions are to blame....

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