Identifying the Genetic Causes of Brain Disorders

Scientists have presented a systematic catalog of specific variable locations in the genome that influence gene activity in the human hippocampus.


Singular contrasts in quality direction add to the advancement of the various multifactorial disorders. This inspired scientists to identify the influence of genetic variants on gene expression and on the epigenetic modification of regulatory sections of the genome.

Scientists at the University of Basel have identified the genetic determinants of gene expression and the process of DNA methylation in the human hippocampus. They exhibited a broad list of variable areas in the genome of SNPs, that affect the activity of genes in the human hippocampus.

They analyzed the influence of more than three million SNPs. All those SNPs were spread throughout the genome during the activity in nearby genes and the methylation of adjacent DNA sections.

For this, they made use of freshly frozen hippocampus tissue. They obtained the tissue during surgery on 110 treatment-resistant epilepsy patients. By extracting DNA and RNA from these tissues, they determined several hundred thousand SNPs and the degree of methylation at several locations in the genome.

Among different investigations, they gauged the quality articulation of more than 15,000 qualities utilizing RNA microchips.

Scientists also demonstrated the preferred areas in which dynamically methylated CpG dinucleotide show up in the genome. Through this, they assigned those to particular administrative components, uncovering a connection to mind issue: a critical extent of the distinguished SNPs that independently impact DNA methylation and quality articulation in the hippocampus additionally add to the improvement of schizophrenia.

This enlightens the role played by SNPs with a regulatory effect in the development of brain disorders. According to scientists, this will also help them to identify the genetic causes of brain disorders.
