Cost Keep Some Kids Out Of School Activities


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Students always need to have fun with a study to stay motivated. School activities allow students to broaden their interests, develop teamwork-leadership skills, and strengthen their connections with peers and their school community. Participation in school activities causes better grades and lower dropout rates. But high costs are a major barrier so that many poor students can’t participate in school’s extra curriculum activity.

C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health at the University of Michigan estimates 27 percent of parents who earn less than $60,000 a year says, “Their child was less involved with school activities because of cost.”

But financial barriers are not limited to lower-income families only. Twelve percent of higher-income parents (earning above $60,000) also cite price as the reason for their child’s decline in activities.

Sarah Clark, M.P.H., co-director of the poll said, “We found a substantial portion of students-particularly those in lower income groups, are not fully engage in a well-rounded school experience that includes activities—and too often, it’s because of cost.”

Survey include 666 parents with at least one child in middle or high school. Scientists asked parents about child’s participation in school activities for the 2015-2016 school year. The annual cost of sports is $302 to play sports. That includes all other expenses such as equipment and travel.

Clark said, “School officials should consider the equity of participation costs across different activities. It causes students those interested in sports have equal access to participation as students interested in music, theatre, or clubs.”

“Although various schools offers lots of programs under low cost. Results suggest, with 60 percent of parents reporting no cost for their child’s participation in arts or in clubs. However, only 30 percent reported zero cost for sports,” he added.

Financial problems may override a child’s interest in pursuing school activities. However, no other schools want to be a reason of non-participation. Participation in school activities positively causes friendship development. It develops a sense of meaning and purpose, life skills such as initiative, respect, teamwork, and leadership. Additionally, students who participate in activity programs tend to have higher grade-point averages, better attendance records, lower dropout rates, and fewer discipline problems.

