Communication to Chandrayaan 2 Vikram lander lost before minutes of landing

Data is being analyzed.


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After successfull de-orbiting maneuver on September 04, 2019, Chandrayaan 2 lander was ready to land on Moon’ surface on September 07, 2019. But just minutes before the landing, the ISRO lost communication with Vikram, when it was 2.1km from the lunar surface. Now, the data is being analysed.

Speaking about the situation, ISRO chief Dr K Sivan said everything was normal till the time Vikram lander was 2.1 km above Moon’s surface.

The Vikram lander and Pragyan rover were supposed to land on the moon and carry out observations and experiments for 14 days. The Orbiter component of Chandrayaan-2, however, was doing fine and continued to communicate with the control room.

Chandrayaan-2 was India’s first attempt at landing a spacecraft on the moon. Until now, only 3 countries have made successfull soft landing on the moon.

ISRO took twitter and reported:

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who witnessed the event attempted landing asked ISRO scientists to be courageous. He tweeted:

He also addressed our hardworking space scientists.

