Benex Finds Solution to Painful Tooth Extraction


If your tooth has been broken or damaged by decay, your dentist will try to fix it with a filling, crown or other dental treatment. But, if there is too much damage, your surgeon will extract it from its socket in the bone. There is always pain occur during the process of tooth extraction.

Tooth extraction is a more complex and painful procedure. Almost people endure toothaches, mashed-up food and sleepless nights. To reduce the fear of tooth extraction, Benex company find out a new solution by developing a painless system of tooth extraction. The company named it as BenexExtractor.

The company said, “Extraction of the tooth with BenexExtractor causes less pain and preserves bones and soft tissue.”

The BenexExtractor system allows gentle, secure and easy extraction of the root of the tooth. A further advantage of it is in the field of germ ectomy. The germs of teeth will also remove in a gentle and timesaving manner.

Because of its innovative construction, the root can be removed very easily in an extremely controlled manner without causing injury to the bone.

How will surgeon extract the tooth by BenexExtractor:

Benex Finds Solution to Painful Tooth Extraction
Image Source: Benex

At first, the surgeon will loose the teeth to make extraction process smoother. The tooth will then pull out to allow the better access. After that by using a diamond drill, the surgeon will create a hole in the root. Then an ‘extraction screw’ will place into the hole which attaches to a mechanical clamp.

This mechanical clamp is placed next to tooth in order to give a better grip of the root. Through this, the dentists will get a stable base. Now, through a few gentle twists, dentist will detach the root from the socket. This allows smooth extraction of the tooth from the mouth.

Now, through a few gentle twists, dentist will detach the root from the socket. This allows smooth extraction of the tooth from the mouth.

BenexExtractor is now considered as vital part of a dental practice. It provides an alternative to surgically removing the root.

Benefits of BenexExtractor on Conventional Tooth Extraction System:

  • Safe and simple extraction of roots.
  • Maximal protection of the tooth socket.
  • Possibility of drilling even if minute root fragments or foreign bodies are present in the root.
  • Possibility of drilling independently of anatomic root canal.

