Unprecedented view of supermassive black hole in action

Enhanced understanding of AGN environments and host galaxy interactions.

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Astronomers at the University of Arizona have achieved a significant breakthrough by capturing the highest resolution direct images ever taken of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) in the infrared. Utilizing the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer, this remarkable feat offers unprecedented insight into one of the most energetic phenomena observable in space.

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany also contributed to the study.

Jacob Isbell, a postdoctoral research associate at the U of A Steward Observatory and lead author of the paper, expressed excitement over the achievement, stating, “The Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer can be considered the first extremely large telescope, so it’s very exciting to prove this is possible.”

AGN are supermassive black holes situated at the centers of certain galaxies. As matter is drawn into these black holes, immense energy is released. The AGN within the galaxy NGC 1068, a neighboring galaxy to the Milky Way, is one of the nearest and brightest active supermassive black holes.

The Large Binocular Telescope, located on Mount Graham northeast of Tucson, operates with two 8.4-meter mirrors functioning as separate telescopes mounted side by side. The interferometer combines the light from both mirrors, enabling much higher-resolution observations.

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This technique was previously used to study volcanic activity on Jupiter’s moon Io, prompting researchers to apply it to AGN observation.

Isbell noted, “The AGN within the galaxy NGC 1068 is especially bright, so it was the perfect opportunity to test this method. These are the highest resolution direct images of an AGN taken so far.”

The interferometer team, led by Steve Ertel, associate astronomer of Steward Observatory, observed several phenomena occurring simultaneously within the AGN. The bright accretion disk around the supermassive black hole generates significant light, creating radiation pressure that pushes dust away, forming a dusty, outflowing wind.

Additionally, farther out, the material appeared much brighter than expected, likely due to a radio jet interacting with and heating clouds of molecular gas and dust.

The capability of extremely large telescopes, such as the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer and the forthcoming Giant Magellan Telescope in Chile, allows scientists to distinguish between the feedback effects of radio jets and dusty winds. This new level of detail was previously unachievable due to lower-resolution imaging.

The study highlights the complex environments of AGN and enhances understanding of their interactions with host galaxies. Isbell stated, “This type of imaging can be used on any astronomical object. We’ve already started looking at disks around stars or very large, evolved stars with dusty envelopes around them.”

Journal Reference:

  1. Isbell, J.W., Ertel, S., Pott, JU. et al. Direct imaging of active galactic nucleus outflows and their origin with the 23 m Large Binocular Telescope. Nat Astron (2025). DOI: 10.1038/s41550-024-02461-y

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