HomeUniversity of Sydney

University of Sydney

Older couple riding their bikes

Five minutes of exercise a day can help to lower blood pressure

Ashwini Sakharkar

Exercise can be as simple as stair-climbing and uphill walking.

Dr Shelley Wickham (left) and Dr Minh Luu review an image via the transmission electron microscope at Sydney Microscopy and Microanalysis.

‘Velcro’ DNA origami helps build dancing robot and nano-dinosaur

Ashwini Sakharkar

Innovative structures pave the way for advanced robotics – and mini dinosaurs.

teenagers smoking

Depressed teens are twice as likely to use e-cigarettes

Dr. Prajakta Banik

A University of Sydney study found a strong link between poor mental health and e-cigarette use among Australian high school students.

Planet earth background

Unveiling Earth-Mars orbit connection: Deep-sea circulation and climate patterns

Pranjal Malewar

Giant whirlpools in warming oceans could mitigate Gulf Stream stagnation.

Man walking on street.

Foot-eye coordination: studying how our vision adapts while walking

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Walking affects how well we see based on our stride.

a frozen cave

What caused an extreme ice-age climate in Earth’s history?

Pranjal Malewar

What made Earth a giant snowball 700m years ago?

Illustration of a galaxy disk being disturbed.

The secret of our Milky Way lies within seismic ripples of an Ancient Galaxy

Amit Malewar

A team of astronomers has captured a new snapshot of an ancient galaxy, BRI 1335-0417, which is over 12 billion years old and the...

nanowire neural network

Nanowire ‘brain’ network learns and remembers ‘on the fly’

Amit Malewar

Critical step passed for developing agile, low-energy machine intelligence.

new superlens technique

A new pathway to achieve superlensing without a superlens

Amit Malewar

Microscopes boosted beyond limits.

Image showing brain supercomputer

Mathematical model revealed how the human brain processes visual information

Pranjal Malewar

Evolution wired human brains to act like supercomputers.

Image showing chemistry

Scientists use quantum devices to slow chemical reactions by a factor of 100 billion

Amit Malewar

What happens in nature in femtoseconds observed in milliseconds?

Photo human cells under microscope

An important step toward future 3D printing of human tissues

Pranjal Malewar

Researchers create “instruction manual” for cells.

Australian honeypot ants

Honeypot ant honey carries strong anti-microbial properties, research

Pranjal Malewar

Western science catches up with First Nations' medicinal use of ant honey.

Image showing Dinosaur Stampede.

The 36 million-year geological cycle that drives biodiversity

Vidya Nagalwade

Tectonic movements change sea levels, potentially generating life-giving ecosystems.

Image illustration of Big Bang

The early universe was running in extremely slow motion

Amit Malewar

Result confirms time-dilation expectations of Einstein's general relativity.

Image showing wheat crops.

A new technique reduces mouse damage to crops even during plagues

Vidya Nagalwade

Mice are tricked to think there is no point digging for seeds.

Image showing back pain.

Back pain is a global issue, affecting millions of people

Vidya Nagalwade

Analysis can help to dispel common back pain myths.

Model by Dr Tristan Salles, School of Geosciences.

Most detailed geological model of the Earth’s surface over the past 100 million years

Amit Malewar

The digital tool can help us understand the past, and predict Earth's future.

Control Lung

This protein in the lungs blocks SARS-CoV-2 infection

Pranjal Malewar

The receptor sticks to the virus and pulls it away from the target cells.

Image showing antidepressants

Are antidepressants for chronic pain effective?

Pranjal Malewar

A more thoughtful approach to prescribing for pain needed.

heart scar

Using protein to heal scars left behind by heart attacks

Ashwini Sakharkar

New method could 'turn back the clock' on damaged heart tissue following heart attacks.

Image showing a man stopping covid-19

New nasal vaccine strategy could improve COVID-19 protection

Pranjal Malewar

It could play a key role in the fight against many diseases.

Wiring diagram’ of human brain with hippocampus connections

The most detailed map ever of the brain’s memory hub

Amit Malewar

Fewer links were uncovered to frontal lobes, but more to visual networks.

Image showing colorful ribbons for different cancers

1.4 million Australians will die of cancer in the next 25 years

Pranjal Malewar

Major investment is needed for effective cancer prevention.

Mira binary

Giant stars undergo dramatic weight loss program

Amit Malewar

Only around 40 of these stars exist amid a sea of thousands in the Milky Way.

CP enabled Vehicle

New technology gives autonomous vehicles X-ray vision

Ashwini Sakharkar

Giving smart cars x-ray vision.

Artist's impression of radio signal ASKAP J173608.2-321635 arriving at Earth

Unusual signals emerging from the direction of the galactic center

Amit Malewar

A variable signal aligned to the heart of the Milky Way is tantalizing scientists.

Solar flare

A long-standing mystery about the Sun solved

Amit Malewar

New solar modeling could help predict space weather.

Artist's impression of a thin gas cloud formed by tidal disruption from a passing star

Astronomers identified a piece of the Milky Way’s missing matter

Amit Malewar

Astronomers look for radio sources in the distant background to see how they 'shimmered'.

GoPro image of a great white shark off east Australian coast at Evans Head, New South Wales. Credit: Richard Grainger/University of Sydney

The diet of great white sharks surprised scientists

Amit Malewar

Establishing diets and dietary generalism in top marine predators is critical for understanding their natural jobs and responses to environmental fluctuations. Nutrition assumes a...

Recent Stories

A rare Pterosaur fossil has a Crocodile bite mark on its neck bone


Exotic electron crystal uncovered in graphene

Quantum Physics

Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration releases new images of M87*


New epilepsy tech enhances the accuracy of routine EEGs


Fast radio burst found in outskirts of an ancient galaxy
