HomeSimons Foundation

Simons Foundation

spinning star

Collapsing stars could be the new source of detectable gravitational wave

Amit Malewar

These new sources of gravitational waves just await discovery.

a spiral galaxy (bottom left) in front of a large galaxy cluster
AI & Machine Learning

AI uncovered a secret equation for weighing galaxy clusters

Amit Malewar

A better way to estimate the mass of colossal clusters of galaxies.

Image illustrating phase of matter
Quantum Computing

Physicists created a remarkable phase of matter with two-time dimensions

Amit Malewar

Physicists demonstrated a way of storing quantum information less prone to errors.

Recent Stories

The Universe seems to be expanding fast. Too fast, even


Researchers mapped individual brain dynamics


New superconducting material offers unconventional superconductivity


The immune system controls blood sugar levels


New study reveals surprising cause of sunburn: It’s not DNA
