Nagoya University

Nagoya University

Breakthrough technique for growing the tiny metal nanowires

The mass production of metal nanowires is possible using this new technique.

Creating anti-counterfeiting labels for high-value goods

Preventing counterfeiting by adding dye to liquid crystals to create uncrackable coded tags.

Loop heat pipe transports up to 10 kW of heat without electricity

This heat transport capability is the largest in the world.

Tellurium contamination linked to high blood pressure

High levels of tellurium, a contaminant from mining and manufacturing, can raise the risk of high blood pressure. Better monitoring of tellurium in foods...

New heat switch device promises to extend lunar rover lifespan

The device boosts lunar rover longevity in harsh Moon climates.

New magnetic device offers hope for depression treatment

Depression treated with low-frequency magnetic fields.

Treating Parkinson’s by targeting the gut-brain axis with B vitamins

Gut microbiota study in Parkinson's using shotgun sequencing.

Changes in brain neuron shape lead to middle-aged obesity

Melanocortin-4 receptor neuronal cilia shorten with age, contributing to obesity.

AI reveals mysteries of polycrystalline materials

A new method for understanding small defects.

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