HomeJohns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University


Webb telescope’s most extensive study of universe expansion challenges cosmic theory

Amit Malewar

The findings offer a crucial cross-check for previous Hubble Space Telescope measurements.

New 3D-printing technique that addresses structural vulnerabilities in 3D-printed objects.
3D Printing

New technique addresses structural vulnerabilities in 3D-printed objects

Ashwini Sakharkar

Turning 3D printing's biggest flaw into its smartest feature!

Shape shifting antenna satellite

New shape memory alloy antenna could transform communications

Jay Kakade

After being inspired by The Expanse series, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory have utilized novel manufacturing techniques and shape memory alloys to craft...

Small clay finger

The oldest alphabetic writing in human history unearthed in ancient Syrian City

Amit Malewar

Archaeological findings suggest alphabetic writing may be some 500 years older than other discoveries.

Intermediate Horseshoe Bat Rhinolophus affinis

When bats can’t hear, they use a remarkable compensation strategy

Pranjal Malewar

Bat's amazing plan B.

Peng Zheng shows off the heart of the blood test, chip with a groundbreaking nanostructured surface on which blood is tested.

New diagnostic tool detects earliest signs of heart attack in minutes

Ashwini Sakharkar

This heart attack detector could be adapted as a tool for first responders and people at home.

image showing thinking symbol

Neglecting “unknown unknowns” can impact decision-making


Study proposes a new bias: the tendency to assume one has adequate information to make a decision.

DNA structure

DNA technology offers suite of data storage and computing functions

Amit Malewar

Recent techniques have enabled the creation of soft polymer materials that have unique morphologies.

Iron meteorites are remnants of the metallic cores of the earliest asteroids in our solar system.

Our infant solar system had to have been doughnut-shaped

Amit Malewar

Iron meteorite helps unravel the mystery of our solar system's birth.

WASP-107 b

Webb Telescope offers first glimpse of an exoplanet’s interior

Amit Malewar

A surprisingly low amount of methane and a super-sized core hide within the cotton candy–like planet.

Warm Gas-Giant Exoplanet WASP-107 b (Artist’s Concept)

Exploring the mysterious case of the Inflated Exoplanet

Amit Malewar

Webb cracks case of inflated exoplanet

Realistic meteorite, comet, asteroid, meteor

Interstellar signal linked to aliens was just a truck

Amit Malewar

Challenging previous assumptions.

light flares composition

Black holes or galaxies? Which came first?

Amit Malewar

The findings 'completely shake up' what we know about galaxy formation.

Image showing women breast feeding her child.

New mouse study reveals protective power of breast milk

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Breast milk complement alters gut microbiota for infant health.

Two water-rich exoplanets

Hazy skies unveiled: Scientists simulate conditions on water-rich exoplanets

Amit Malewar

Alien haze, cooked in a lab, clears view to distant water worlds.

Image showing HIV aids

Is hydrogel the future of more convenient HIV treatment?

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Creating long-lasting antiretroviral injectables with smart drug design.

Image showing man having back massage.

Scrambler therapy can relieve chronic pain

Vidya Nagalwade

Scrambler therapy is a noninvasive pain treatment.

Image showing ear and sound

People can hear the sound of silence

Pranjal Malewar

The sound of silence?

brown rat sitting on floor

Deaf mice with auditory circuitry has significant implications for cochlear implants


Spontaneous activity of cochlear cells allows normal development, and its later absence leads to deafness

astronaut working with one of the experiments

Heart research to improve astronauts’ quality of life in space

Pranjal Malewar

As soon as astronauts arrive in microgravity, blood, and other body fluids are pushed "upward" from the legs and abdomen toward the heart and...

Image showing earth

Study highlights how amino acids shaped the genetic code of ancient microorganisms

Amit Malewar

Scientists gain insights into how amino acids shaped the genetic code of ancient microorganisms.

human gastroesophageal junction

Scientists generated a lab-grown human tissue model for food tube cancer

Pranjal Malewar

A potential therapeutic target for gastroesophageal junction cancer.

new map of the universe

A new map of the universe displays the entire known cosmos

Amit Malewar

The map allows you to scroll through the universe.

Webb's View Around the Extremely Red Quasar SDSS J165202.64+172852.3

Webb revealed the surprising formation of a massive galaxy cluster

Editorial Team

Astronomers looking into the early Universe have made a surprising discovery using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope. Webb's spectroscopic capabilities, combined with its...

Image showing obese person having food

Can obesity and stress influence appetite?

Pranjal Malewar

It’s all in your head.

Image showing encrypted data format

The mystery of the Hall effect in a Weyl antiferromagnet unveiled

Pranjal Malewar

An advance in the use of antiferromagnetic materials in memory storage devices.

triple-negative breast cancer

Scientists identify novel molecular biomarkers in cells that spread a deadly form of breast cancer

Pranjal Malewar

The study could pave the way for developing new treatments that target such molecular variations.

3D Brain Synapses in Mice

Tool to view an unprecedented view of brain cell activity

Amit Malewar

First ever seeing brain activity on such a massive scale.

Spider web
AI & Machine Learning

Scientists unraveled the secrets of Spider’s web

Amit Malewar

Johns Hopkins researchers first document every step of spider-web building.

P. dominicanus

New but now extinct species of ancient ground-dwelling sloth discovered

Amit Malewar

The study advances the evolutionary history of the slow-moving mammals that now live only in trees.

Recent Stories

New superconducting material offers unconventional superconductivity


The immune system controls blood sugar levels


New study reveals surprising cause of sunburn: It’s not DNA


Unprecedented view of supermassive black hole in action


Unprecedented images of Exocomet belts around nearby stars
