Washington State University
Long-distance friendships can positively influence community-based conversation
Friendships from afar may offer unexpected benefits for environmental conservation.
New ion speed record breakthrough promises faster battery charging
A speed record has been broken using nanoscience.
A new AI model can identify diseases faster and more accurately
A group of engineers and biologists at Washington State University have developed an artificial intelligence system capable of recognizing signs of disease from images...
Women are more inclined to purchase wine with feminine labels
Winemakers may want to pay as much attention to what's on the bottle as what's in it.
AI can allow researchers to more efficiently use 3D printing
Self-improving AI method increases 3D-printing efficiency.
Recognizing same-sex marriage attracts skilled workers
Marriage equality benefits countries economically. Washington State University researchers found that European countries recognizing same-sex marriages kept more highly skilled workers from moving to...
Several air contaminants are linked to children’s asthma symptoms
It’s not just one pollutant that can be linked to asthma outcomes.
Polar bears unlikely to adapt to longer summers
More time stranded on land means greater risk of starvation for polar bears.
Cannabis triggers hunger neurons in the brain
Cannabis sativa activates hunger neurons in the mediobasal hypothalamus.
Revolutionizing surgery: Implant kills bacteria, promotes healing
An antibacterial surgical implant with high efficacy.
Machines efficiently generate cells for cancer treatment
Centrifugal bioreactor speeds up CD8 T cell expansion for cancer immunotherapy.
Discovery of a protein with potential to prevent tick-borne diseases
AteA: A vital effector for tick infection by Anaplasma phagocytophilum.
Bright light in big cities is linked to smaller eyes in birds
The findings have implications for conservation efforts amid the rapid decline of bird populations.
A plant gene required for root hair growth found in grasses
Plant cell types: Unlocking the mystery of root hair development.
Stormwater Biofiltration increases coho salmon hatchling survival
Bioretention filtration prevents acute mortality and reduces chronic toxicity for early-life stage coho salmon.
Novel chamber created to find carbon-free ways to keep people cool
It could help researchers and builders find better ways to keep people cool in extreme temperatures.
The first bees evolved on an ancient supercontinent
A new best estimate for when and where bees first evolved.
The new catalyst reduces methane pollution in millions of engines
Researchers show method to remove greenhouse gas from natural gas engine exhaust.
Plants can sense when something touches them and stops
Even without nerves, plants can sense when something touches them and when it lets go.
A highly effective non-hormonal male contraceptive
The study identifies this gene for the first time as being expressed only in testicular tissue.
Liquid nitrogen spray could clean up stubborn moon dust
It can remove almost all of the simulated moon dust from a space suit.
Martian rock-metal composite demonstrates the possibility of 3D printing on Mars
A little Martian dust appears to go a long way.
When and where medium-sized black holes could form?
Astronomers identified the possible location of medium‑sized black holes.
Human-made hexagonal diamonds are stiffer than the common cubic diamonds
Scientists created hexagonal diamonds large enough to measure their stiffness using sound waves.
New sodium-ion battery for large-scale energy storage
Lithium-ion batteries are composed of materials such as cobalt and lithium, which are rare and expensive. With the growing demand for electricity storage, these...
We are drinking lots of plastics
The widespread use and release of plastics in nature have raised global concerns about their impact on public health and the environment. The extensive...
Organic molecules discovered on Mars might be consistent with early life on Mars
The recent discovery of various classes of organic matter in Martian sediments by the Curiosity rover seems to suggest that indigenous organic compounds exist...