University of Pittsburgh

New phone app uses AI to diagnose ear infections accurately

The tool could help decrease unnecessary antibiotic use in young children.

A fundamental mechanism that controls the body’s response to limited oxygen

A shared genetic trait that could predict a higher risk of small lung vessel disease.

Human head shape genetics uncovered in new study

GWAS reveals the intricate genetic basis of the human cranial vault shape.

Building blocks spontaneously constructed 3D objects in solution

Pitt engineers show self-organization of sticky micron-to-mesoscale 3D structures in confined fluids.

Mother transfers unique breast milk antibodies to the baby

Human milk-derived immunoglobulin A exhibits stability and heterogeneity in ant microbiota reactivity.

Abnormal 12-hour cyclic gene activity found in schizophrenic brains

The number of 12-hour rhythmic genes were fewer and many that remained peaked at the wrong time

To identify a familiar voice, human brains rely on sight

To recognize a voice, human brains use the same center that lights up when the speaker’s face is presented.

Study reveals how humans lost their body hair

Here today, gone tomorrow: how humans lost their body hair?

New clues to genetic causes of high cholesterol

The study demonstrates the importance of ensuring diversity in genetic databases.

Physicists find signs of pentaquark states and new matter

They examined a heavy particle that decays to lighter particles.

Imaging a Haber-Bosch catalysis precursor at the atomic scale

The study reveals the fundamental interactions at the onset of correlated complexity that defines alkali atom promotion of catalytic chemistry.

Study reveals how neurons differentiate between motor and sensory signals

Study shows how 'polyglot' neurons encode and decode sensorimotor 'chatter'.

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