University of Otago
Fossil shows penguin wing evolution
According to an international study published in the Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, a tiny fossil penguin is crucial to understanding...
Vitamin D deficiency was common among children during the industrialization period in England
The deficiency was indicated in the teeth of three-quarters of individuals, especially males.
The environment plays an important role in hoiho protection
How hoiho foraging grounds overlap with commercial fisheries and marine protected areas?
Species-wide genomics of kākāpō provides tools to accelerate recovery
High-quality kākāpō population sequencing provides a breakthrough in understanding key conservation genetics.
Why teens are saying “no” to alcohol
How has the function of alcohol use changed among adolescents over the past 20 years?
Men and women experience change while traveling in similar ways
The study revealed men and women experience change while traveling in similar ways.
Scientists held individual atoms in place
For the first time in quantum physics, scientists from the University of Otago became successful in holding individual atoms in place. They also observed...
New study finds link between smell and obesity
Scientists at the University of Otago have made a groundbreaking revelation by identifying an association between smell and obesity. The study suggests that there...