Princeton University

Princeton University

Nematode worms learn to avoid dangerous bacteria

A bacterial molecule triggers the avoidance behavior, which persists for four generations.

Soft Robotapillar crawls with ease through loops and bends

The soft robot bends and twists through mazes with ease.

Holographic displays: Pioneering an immersive future

Setting the stage for a new era of immersive displays.

Physicists discover a novel quantum state in an elemental solid

This finding was completely unexpected.

Entangling individual molecules for the first time

A new platform for quantum science.

Using radio waves to remotely monitor nuclear weapons stockpiles

Researchers proposed a new method for monitoring nuclear disarmament treaties.

The microscopic phases of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene were observed for the first time

New study captures behavior of interacting electrons that give rise to insulating states.

Drops of seawater contain traces of an ancient world

Seawater's chemical composition is linked to volcanic activity and climate change.

Viruses can chill or kill

How eavesdropping viruses battle it out to infect us?

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