HomePrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

This photo, taken by PPPL Associate Research Physicist Eric Emdee, is figuratively reminiscent of the lithium vapor cave proposed to protect the interior parts of a tokamak from excess heat coming off the plasma.

Liquid metal evaporator could protect inside of tokamak from intense heat

Ashwini Sakharkar

Quenching the intense heat of a fusion plasma may require a well-placed liquid metal evaporator.

An artist's representation of plasmoid detection using machine learning.

Machine learning could help identify plasmoids in outer space

Amit Malewar

The technology could aid efforts to answer long-standing astrophysical questions.

cold atmospheric plasma
AI & Machine Learning

AI offers a detailed look at jets of plasma used to treat cancer

Pranjal Malewar

The software uses an approach known as a physics-informed neural network (PINN).

Halo-like solar corona

The largest turbulence simulation reveals the energy flow in astrophysical plasmas

Amit Malewar

Breakthrough in identifying the puzzling cause.

Grant Rutherford

Measuring radio waves in fusion plasmas

Amit Malewar

Setting the stage for enhanced future experiments that could result in bringing energy from fusion to Earth.

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