Goethe University Frankfurt

Scientists visualized quantum effects in electron waves
Kapitza-Dirac effect used to show temporal evolution of electron waves.

DNA time machine: Insights into a century of loss
The approach could help regulators to protect the planet’s existing biodiversity levels.

Enzyme structure reveals neurodegenerative disorders cause
Molecular scissors caught in the act of structural biology.

Analysis of particles of the asteroid Ryugu delivers surprising results
Scientists discovered areas with a massive accumulation of rare earth and unexpected structures.

How long does it take to emit an electron from an atom?
Einstein’s photoelectric effect: The time it takes for an electron to be released.

Scientists finally determined how brain controls voice
Bats are known for having an empathetic hearing for orientation, emitting ultrasound noises, and receiving an image of their surroundings based on the echo. Let's...

Physicists finally solved the mystery of surrounding photon momentum
Miniscule effect measured with new super COLTRIMS apparatus.

Yellow pigments protect bacteria
Most of the bacterias produce yellow pigments called Aryl Polyenes, that are stored in the bacteria membrane and protect the bacteria from oxidative stress,...

How heavy elements come about in the universe
Heavy elements are produced during the Steller explosion or on the surfaces of neutron stars through the catch of hydrogen cores (protons). This happens...

New VR simulation lets you explore supermassive black hole
For the first ever time, scientists have created a virtual reality (VR) simulation of Sagittarius A*- the black hole at the center of our galaxy....