
The complete device is only slightly larger than a two-Eurocent-coin. Credit: DESY, Gesine Born

New Swiss army knife for electron beams

Amit Malewar

Scientists have created a miniature particle accelerator for electrons that can perform four different functions at the push of a button. The device that...

Low-Cost Solar Device Converts Sunlight to Steam in Dusty Environment

Low-Cost Solar Device Converts Sunlight to Steam in Dusty Environment

Amit Malewar

Scientists from Masdar Institute of Science and Technology in collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a novel and low-cost solar thermal...

New World Record for Solar Thermal Efficiency

New World Record for Solar Thermal Efficiency

Amit Malewar

Solar thermal collectors use reflector to gather sunlight and generate stem. This stem can be use to drive complex power station turbines. It also...

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