
Starring the genetic molecule RNA

Smell’s sensory magic emerges from intricate developmental mechanism.

Scientists reveal how sense of smell alters our perception of colors

Color perception is affected by odors, study finds.

Cognitive function: The power of scent

Olfactory enrichment improves memory and brain structure in older adults.

Alzheimer’s disease: Loss of smell as an early warning sign

Smell tests could help identify people at risk for Alzheimer's.

Domestic cats’ noses function similarly to parallel coiled gas chromatographs

Parallels between cat noses and gas chromatography provide new insights into mammalian evolution.

The Zoonomia Consortium developed an evolutionary timeline

The evolution of mammals through genomic comparisons.

Exploring the science behind the loss of smell in Parkinson’s patients

Impact of α-Synuclein Pathology on Olfaction in Parkinson's disease Mouse Model.

Study figured out what ancient humans might have been able to smell

Duke lab built Neanderthal and Denisovan smell receptors and tested them in a dish.

How the brain organizes information about odors?

A new study provides new insights into the mystery of scent, where scientists describe for the first time how relationships between different odors are encoded in the olfactory cortex, the region of brain responsible for processing smell.

Vampire bats help unravel the mystery of smell

Understanding how to obtain accurate numbers of olfactory receptor counts in the mammalian genome is major aspect to understanding the sense of smell.

Common scents don’t always make the best perfumes, study

The smell is a social and social phenomenon — people bond over smell and associate odors perceived with specific memories. In certain cultures, the...

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