
Latest and most precise test for biological age

Epigenetic clocks favor kidney transplants over dialysis for renal aging.

Hidden skin microbes: Behind ears and between toes

Genomic project: Testing the 'Grandma Hypothesis' with skin microbiome diversity.

Is hydrogel the future of more convenient HIV treatment?

Creating long-lasting antiretroviral injectables with smart drug design.

Rare disease’s shared mechanism with cystic fibrosis

Unraveling ER-associated degradation's role in cystinosis pathogenesis and the potential for precision medicine.

Study reveals glitter’s impact on vital aquatic organisms

Cyanobacterial strains' reactions to non-biodegradable glitter explored.

Scientists uncover 135 novel genes controlling skin pigmentation

Revealing the factors behind human pigmentation: Genome-wide genetic search.

New antibiotic shows promise against drug-resistant superbugs

LPC-233: A new antibiotic against drug-resistant bacteria.

A new study finds the possible cause of inner-ear bone loss

Activin A-producing fibroblasts cause bone destruction in cholesteatomas.

The gut-brain connection

The colon-brain axis.

Sun exposure can cause the skin to become thickened and leathery

UV Light Causes Changes in Skin Structure and Mechanics.

Millions of people with penicillin allergies will benefit from a clinical trial

Clinical decision rule for direct oral challenge in low-risk penicillin allergy patients.

Liquid nanofoam: New hope for injury prevention

Liquid nanofoam cushions to protect athletes, drivers, and patients.

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