TOPICSSense of Touch

Sense of Touch

The research could lead to treating chronic pain more effectively.

New way to control the sense of touch

Ashwini Sakharkar

The discovery could revolutionize chronic pain treatment.

Ai robot hand close to human hand

New robotic hand can feel touch as fast as a blindfolded human

Amit Malewar

A "feeling" robotic hand!

The ultrathin nanomesh sensor

An ultrathin pressure sensor to measure a sense of touch

Ashwini Sakharkar

World’s first fingertip-mounted sensor that maintains user’s sensitivity

Skin-on interface allows devices to 'feel' the user's grasp and detect interactions such as tickling, caressing, even twisting and pinching.

An artificial skin for your devices that mimics human skin

Ashwini Sakharkar

Skin-On, an artificial skin-like membrane for augmenting interactive devices such as phones, wearables or computers.

Teaching artificial intelligence to connect senses like vision and touch

New AI system gives robots ability to visualize objects using touch

Amit Malewar

We, the human beings, can easily tell how an object looks like by simply touching it, all thanks to our sense of touch, which...

Bacteria Have a Sense of Touch

Bacteria Have a Sense of Touch

Amit Malewar

Bacteria, that live in enormous numbers in almost every environment on Earth, do not usually have sensory organs. Certainly, bacteria are much more active in...

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