Quantum information

Classical computers can keep up with and surpass their quantum counterparts

Boosting speed and accuracy of traditional computing.

Bridging light and electrons

A nonlinear optical phenomena into a transmission electron microscope.

Entangling individual molecules for the first time

A new platform for quantum science.

A new protocol to extend the life of quantum coherence by 20x

Canceling noise to improve quantum devices.

A new quantum device generates single photons and encodes information

Approach is a step toward using single photons in quantum communication and information processing.

Sci­en­tists develop fermionic quan­tum pro­ces­sor

A new type of quantum computer that uses fermionic atoms to simulate complex physical systems.

Storing quantum information as sound waves

A new method for efficiently translating electrical quantum states into sound.

A formula that predicts the effects of environmental noise on quantum information

An advancement crucial for designing and building quantum computers capable of working in an imperfect world.

New techniques for accurate measurements of tiny objects

A way to achieve more accurate measurements of microscopic objects using quantum computers.

An on-chip photon-counting device to advance quantum technology

The first realization of an on-chip photon-number-resolving (PNR) detector.

Advancing atomic-scale manufacturing

Graphene appeared impervious to the electron beam.

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