TOPICSPenn State

Penn State

Entropy- zentropy

Solving materials design issues

Pranjal Malewar

A novel theory of entropy.

Complex quantum material
Quantum Physics

Previously unexpected properties discovered in a complex quantum material

Amit Malewar

These findings have implications for developing future quantum devices and applications.

Image showing tectonic process

Ancient rocks on the coast of Oman may reveal new insights into subduction

Pranjal Malewar

Mineral dating reveals new clues about the important tectonic processes.

Scott Hollister and his team developed a 3D-printed airway support device to save the life of Ramiah Martin.

Lifesaving Device Providing Breath of Hope

Amit Malewar

Ramiah Martin isn't like other little girls, and that's perfectly fine with her mother. "She is nothing short of a miracle," Leanne Martin said of...

noninvasive glucose sensor

Monitoring glucose levels without using needles

Pranjal Malewar

First-of-its-kind wearable, noninvasive glucose monitoring device prototype.

The X chromosome

Identifying genetic influence of some sex-biased diseases using a new genetic tool

Pranjal Malewar

Sex-biased diseases can be attributable to genes that escape X chromosome inactivation (XCI).

rare earth element terbium

New sensor detect rare earth element terbium

Amit Malewar

Low concentrations could be identified from acid mine drainage and other waste sources.

Closeness with fathers has a positive impact across kid's adolescence
Social Science

Closeness with fathers has a positive impact across kid’s adolescence

Pranjal Malewar

Father-child relations may play a special role in how kids weather adolescence.

New imaging technique to identify and treat the blood clots

New imaging technique to identify and treat the blood clots

Pranjal Malewar

Engineers find imaging techniques could become treatments for deep vein thrombosis.


Flavored e-cigarettes may affect the brain differently than non-flavored

Pranjal Malewar

Flavoring can change how the brain responds to e-cigarette aerosols that contain nicotine.

very powerful flares

The relationship between stars and planets may be more complex than previously thought

Amit Malewar

The give and take of mega-flares from stars.

map of the dark matter within the local universe

A new map of dark matter reveals undiscovered bridges between galaxies

Amit Malewar

Mapping the local cosmic web.

solar cells

New transparent electrode boosts solar cell efficiency

Ashwini Sakharkar

The research represents a step toward developing completely transparent solar cells.

death in family
Social Science

Deaths in the family can affect the educational attainment of children

Pranjal Malewar

Deaths in the family can shape kids' educational attainment in unexpected ways.

Deep learning

Deep learning can guide doctors decide better lung cancer treatments

Pranjal Malewar

An approach to estimate survivability that is commonly and practically appropriate for medical use.

Scientists identified flank instability at Pacaya, an active volcano in Guatemala

New method to identify previously overlooked instability at some volcanoes

Pranjal Malewar

The results provide finer detail of volcanic flank motion.

a quantum phenomenon called the high Chern number quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect

Scientists realized quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) effect in a multilayered insulator

Ashwini Sakharkar

Quantum insulators create multilane highways for electrons.

With a novel layer to help the metallic components of the sensor bond, an international team of researchers printed sensors directly on human skin.

Printing sensors directly on human skin

Ashwini Sakharkar

An international team of researchers developed a novel technique to produce precise, high-performing biometric sensors.

Aspirin after calving can provide relief to dairy cows

Aspirin after calving can provide relief to dairy cows

Pranjal Malewar

It also increase milk production.

planet K225b

A young sub-Neptune-sized planet offers clues on planet formation and evolution

Amit Malewar

The planet is dense for its size and age.

A tiny step forward toward achieving room-temperature superconductivity

A tiny step forward toward achieving room-temperature superconductivity

Amit Malewar

Room temperature superconductivity creeping toward possibility.

A Penn State-led research team found that seismic waves can "see" chemical reactions occurring deep below ground

Seismic waves can help to identify chemical changes beneath a watershed

Amit Malewar

Looking under the surface.

A team of Penn State researchers studied Telica Volcano, a persistently active volcano in western Nicaragua, to both observe and quantify small-scale intra-crater change associated with background and eruptive activity

Photos may improve understanding of volcanic processes

Pranjal Malewar

Quantifying small-scale intra-crater change associated with background and eruptive activity.

The lattice dynamics of monoclinic gallium telluride (GaTe) is studied by ultrafast electro diffraction (UED). This study provides a generalized understanding of Friedel's law and a comprehensive explanation of the lattice dynamics.

New insights into van der Waals materials found

Amit Malewar

Layered van der Waals materials are of high interest for electronic and photonic applications, according to researchers at Penn State and SLAC National Accelerator...

NASA Hubble Space Telescope image of Galaxy NGC 1068 with its active black hole shown as an illustration in the zoomed-in inset. A new model suggests that the corona around such supermassive black holes could be the source of high-energy cosmic neutrinos observed by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.

Supermassive black holes could be the sources of neutrinos seen on Earth

Amit Malewar

Mysteries about the origin of high-energy cosmic neutrinos have deepened by the recent IceCube measurement of a large diffuse flux in the 10–100 TeV...

Artist impression of a mysterious astrophysical object just prior to merging with a black hole nine times its size. The event created gravitational waves detected on earth and now astronomers are puzzling over whether they have discovered the heaviest neutron star or the lightest black hole ever observed.

Black hole or neutron star?

Amit Malewar

The most massive stars die, they collapse under their gravity and leave behind black holes—the death of stars that are less massive than this...

Life may be more stressful now than it was in the 1990s, study
Social Science

Life may be more stressful now than it was in the 1990s, study

Pranjal Malewar

A new study by the Penn scientists, suggests that middle age may be much more stressful now than in the '90s. Across all ages,...

Scientists developed a method to observe a new class of topological materials

Scientists developed a method to observe a new class of topological materials

Amit Malewar

New class of materials shows strange electron properties.

Diets with reduced protein may be key to lowering the risk for heart disease

Diets with reduced protein may be key to lowering the risk for heart disease

Pranjal Malewar

Lower protein diets may lessen the risk for cardiovascular disease.


Genome sequence of a water lily sheds light on the early evolution of flowering plants

Amit Malewar

Water lily genome expands picture of the early evolution of flowering plants.

Recent Stories

Water plays a crucial role in helping protein


A new switch for the cell therapies of the future


The highest energy neutrino ever observed


mRNA helps cells ‘walk’: A new role of mRNA


Discovery of the oldest Jurassic fossils sheds light on bird origin
