
The cause of lower back pain

Cedars-Sinai study links back pain to specific spinal cells.

Harnessing a parasite’s power to halt pain

Leishmania mexicana induces metabolomic shifts to reduce pain in skin lesions.

Effective treatment for rare sight-threatening infection

Temporarily removed: Acanthamoeba keratitis drug trial.

Can cannabis medicines ease oral cancer pain?

UCLA dentistry team gets $5 million for non-addictive synthetic cannabinoid.

Lorazepam treatment and poor pancreatic cancer outcomes

Pancreatic cancer survival and the IL6 response to Lorazepam.

The gut-brain connection

The colon-brain axis.

Physical activity and quality of life in older adults

Physical activity and sedentary time linked to health-related quality of Life in older adults.

Scientists have reared deadly cone snails in a laboratory aquarium for the first time

Uncovering a potential treasure trove of new venoms.

First-ever brain pain fingerprints discovered

Everyone's brain has a different "pain fingerprint."

Why we need female mice in neuroscience research?

Female mice exhibit more stable exploratory behavior than male mice.

Being flexible is key to protecting mental health in people with chronic pain

It may be the pain interference on daily life, rather than the intensity of the pain.

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