

Optimistic people sleep better, longer, study
Social Science

Optimistic people sleep better, longer, study

Pranjal Malewar

Optimistic people tend to have better sleep quality. They are 74% more likely to have no symptoms of insomnia and reported less daytime sleepiness.

Viewing ourselves and others through ‘rose-tinted glasses’
Social Science

Viewing ourselves and others through ‘rose-tinted glasses’

Pranjal Malewar

The exploration, which is the first to demonstrate that such a 'confidence predispositions reach out past the self, found that individuals promptly changed their...

Bad news? No worries for those we like, study suggests
Social Science

Bad news? No worries for those we like, study suggests

Amit Malewar

Hopefulness about the eventual fate of others is boundless even despite terrible news — in any event if the individual is somebody we think...

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