
Illusions are in the eye, not the mind- study

Numerous visual illusions are caused by limits in the way our eyes and visual neurones work.

COVID-19 can cause brain cell fusion

SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause neurons to merge, which can disrupt brain function.

Electrical synapses in the neural network of insects control flight power

Researchers discovered the neural circuit used to regulate insect wingbeat frequency.

Ants use neurotoxins to inflict pain on their victims

Ant stings can produce severe and long-lasting harm.

Study uncovers brain mechanism that activates anxiety and OCSD behaviors

This work is unique and has challenged the current dogma.

Discovery of neurons that recognize others

The hippocampus plays an important role in assigning positive values to others.

How Botox enters brain cells?

A Botox discovery that could save lives.

Vitamin D deficiency affects dopaminergic neuron differentiation in schizophrenia

Vitamin D deficiency affects developing neurons in schizophrenia by using new technology.

Is there a link between depression and inflammation of the brain?

People with depression have fewer active microglial cells.

Scientists discovered the role of ATP in ovulation

Uncovering the role of ATP in ovulation suggests new treatment for infertility.

Smartphone screens can be used to map magnetic fields

Hand-held magnetic field imaging can used for construction safety & medical diagnostics.

The science behind exercise and its chemical signals for brain health

The role of astrocytes in coordinating muscle and brain development.

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