
Bacterial memory transfer across generations

Iron memory's role in decision-making in Escherichia coli.

New study sheds light on how Alzheimer’s tau tangles begin

Inhibition of GCPII lowers pT217Tau in the brains of aged macaques.

Uncovering the brain network links to drug addiction

This study offers new information that helps explain what may be causing this difference.

Scientists built the first-ever map of a worm’s nervous system

Showing how every single neuron in the nervous system of a tiny worm communicates wirelessly.

Scientists reveal what happens when we pass out

Neurobiologists discover sensory neurons that control fainting.

Unexpected ties: Sleep, brain insulation, and neurodegeneration

BMAL1 loss in oligodendroglia impacts myelination and sleep.

SARS-CoV-2 moves within neurons to infect the brain

Separate effects: SARS-CoV-2, neuroinvasion, and anosmia.

Unexpected link between schizophrenia risk proteins

Controlling fast-spiking neurons: Cytoskeleton-membrane interaction.

Turning brain immune cells into neurons

New research offers a tantalizing avenue for treating stroke by reprogramming microglia.

Stanford study boosts aging mice with nerve-muscle restoration

Blocking 15-PGDH gerozyme for nerve-muscle regeneration.

Scratching neurons: A potential itch solution?

IL-31 limits allergic dermatitis immune response.

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