NASA’s MAVEN Spacecraft acquired stunning views of Mars

The images were taken at different points.

Astronomers confirmed the longest-known tail of superheated gas behind a galaxy group

Galaxies go on a deep dive and leave fiery tail behind.

Star formation erupted in bursts in the early universe

Webb also continues to uncover a bounty of distant, young galaxies.

Webb maps surprisingly large plume jetting from Saturn’s moon Enceladus

A water vapour plume from Saturn’s moon Enceladus spanning more than 9600 kilometres — long enough to stretch across the Eurasian continent from Ireland...

First observation: Scientists discovered a cyclone on the north pole of Uranus

It’s a much more dynamic world than you might think.

Solar eruptions may have formed the first building blocks of life on Earth

A stormy, active Sun may have kickstarted life.

NASA’s Curiosity finds a book-like rock on Mars

The image in an anaglyph can be viewed with red-blue 3D glasses.

Webb finds water, and a new mystery, in rare main belt comet

The NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope has enabled another long-sought scientific breakthrough, this time for Solar System scientists studying the origins of the water...

The warm dust around a nearby young star, Fomalhaut

Astronomers used the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope to image the warm dust around a nearby young star, Fomalhaut, in order to study the...

Webb finds water vapor around a rocky exoplanet

Water vapor in an atmosphere on a hot rocky planet would represent a major breakthrough for exoplanet science.

NASA’s instrument images of the Lunar south pole region

Furthering our understanding of the geotechnical properties of the Moon.

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