
NASA’s Hubble solves the mystery of Mars’ escaping water

Results upend the classical picture that scientists previously held.

Geophysicists find stores of liquid water on Mars

Presence of liquid water most probable explanation for data collected by Mars lander.

New approach to make Mars friendlier to life

How we could warm Mars

Repurposed technology to explore Martian atmosphere like never before

An antenna on ExoMars' Trace Gas Orbiter has been given a new lease of life.

Basketball-sized meteorite hit Mars almost daily

Seismological data from NASA's Mars InSight lander to derive a new impact rate for meteorite strikes on Mars.

New research suggests lakes beneath Mars’ ice cap unlikely

The new research tells a more complete story.

Mars ancient water: NASA’s Curiosity searches for new clues

NASA’s Curiosity reaches Mar's Gediz Vallis.

Distant secondary craters: The largest new crater to have formed on Mars

This crater created its own field of "secondary" craters.

Giant volcano discovered on Mar’s equator

Its discovery points to an exciting new place to search for life.

Unveiling Earth-Mars orbit connection: Deep-sea circulation and climate patterns

Giant whirlpools in warming oceans could mitigate Gulf Stream stagnation.

Atmospheric pressure fluctuations could be driving Mars’ elusive methane pulses

Simulations will help Curiosity search for signs of past or present life on the Red Planet.

Layers of water ice stretching below grounds at Mars’s equator

Buried water ice at Mars's equator?

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