TOPICSHurricane Florence

Hurricane Florence

a visual image of the storm's clouds, taken by NOAA's GOES (Geoweather Operational Environmental Satellite).

New small satellite peers inside Hurricane Florence

Amit Malewar

A new small satellite with a size of a cereal box has captured an inside look at Hurricane Florence in a trial of technology that could...

At 2:20 a.m. EDT (0620 UTC) on Sept. 13, the MODIS instrument aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite looked at Hurricane Florence in infrared light. MODIS found a small ring of coldest cloud top temperatures around the eye, as cold as or colder than minus 80 degrees (yellow) Fahrenheit (minus 112 degrees Celsius). Surrounding the eye were thick rings of powerful storms with cloud tops as cold as or colder than minus 70 degrees (red) Fahrenheit (minus 56.6 degrees Celsius). Credit: NASA/NRL

NASA gets inside look at large and powerful hurricane Florence

Pranjal Malewar

Using NASA's Aqua satellite, scientists have gathered infrared look at the large and powerful Hurricane Florence that demonstrated wind shear was incidentally influencing the southern side...

Hurricane Florence as seen from the International Space Station on Monday, September 10, 2018

The Atlantic ocean looks insane right now: 3 Hurricanes at once

Amit Malewar

The Atlantic hurricane season that usually starts in June, has now peaks on September 10. An average hurricane season includes at least 12 named...

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