ETH Zurich

laser beam

Scientists successfully trapped excitons in electric fields

Amit Malewar

The new technique is important for creating single-photon sources as well as for basic research.


A mobile system to enhance deep sleep

Pranjal Malewar

Have a good night's sleep😴.

Uranus and Neptune

The unsolved mystery of Uranus and Neptune

Amit Malewar

Two strange planets.

helium nucleus with unprecedented precision

Physicists precisely measured the radius of the atomic nucleus of helium

Amit Malewar

The size of the helium nucleus measured more precisely than ever before.

DNA synthesis can be used to generate true random numbers

A huge true random number using DNA synthesis

Amit Malewar

A biochemical random number.

Scientists discovered a flaw in the security system of some credit cards

Scientists discovered a flaw in the security system of some credit cards

Ashwini Sakharkar

Outsmarting the PIN code.

Fingerprint of climate change detected in daily weather

Fingerprint of climate change detected in daily weather

Pranjal Malewar

Climate researchers can now detect the fingerprint of global warming in daily weather observations at the global level.

Various glass objects created with a 3D printer. (Photo: Group for Complex Materials / ETH Zurich)
3D Printing

Using 3D printing technique to produce glass objects

Amit Malewar

A 3D printing process to produce complex and highly porous glass objects.

Excerpt from a typical computer-generated dark matter map used by the researchers to train the neural network. (Source: ETH Zurich)

AI probes dark matter in the Universe

Amit Malewar

A new approach to the problem of dark matter and dark energy in the universe.

The millimeter small black dot in the middle of the golden area is the alcohol sensor.

Measuring ethanol’s deadly twin, Methanol

Amit Malewar

A portable and affordable measuring device that can distinguish methanol from potable alcohol.

Multi-material additive manufacturing of patient-specific shaped heart valves. Elastomeric printing enables mechanical matching with the host biological tissue. (Photograph: Fergal Coulter / ETH Zurich)
3D Printing

3D printing customized silicon heart valves

Ashwini Sakharkar

Scientists at ETH Zurich and the South African company Strait Access Technologies are using 3D printing to produce customized silicon heart valves.

Caulobacter crescentus is a harmless bacterium living in fresh water throughout the world. (Electron microscope image: Science Photo Library / Martin Oeggerli)

First bacterial genome created entirely with a computer

Editorial Team

All the genome sequences of organisms known throughout the world are stored in a database belonging to the National Center for Biotechnology Information in...

antibiotic from weed

A novel antibiotic from weeds

Amit Malewar

Nowadays, it has become a trend to develop drugs from natural products. Now, scientists at the ETH Zurich have brought a totally new approach. They...

For the first time, the quantum state of a superconducting qubit was transferred with a coaxial cable to another qubit. (Image: ETH Zurich /M. Pechal, T. Walter, P. Kurpiers)

Quantum transfer at the push of a button

Amit Malewar

Now it is possible to transfer quantum information at the push of a button and with high fidelity, between two quantum bits roughly a...

A follower interacts judiciously with the wake generated by two leading fish, which increases its swimming-efficiency substantially. (Image: CSElab/ETH Zurich)

Swimming in schools saves energy

Amit Malewar

In a new study, ETH researchers have developed a highly detailed simulation of the complex interplay between swimming fish and their flow environment. Using this...

Electricity is also needed when the sun is not shining and no wind is blowing. Low-cost batteries are one way of temporarily storing energy from renewable sources. (Visualisations: Shutterstock)

Scientists developed new materials for batteries

Amit Malewar

Scientists from ETH Zurich and Empa have developed promising new conductor materials that could bring about key advances in the development of aluminum batteries. First...

New study unveiled ways to measure the molecular interactions

Scientists unveiled ways to measure the molecular interactions

Editorial Team

ETH researchers have utilized a novel approach to discover antecedently unbeknown interactions amid proteins and tiny metabolic molecules in bacterial cells. The method can...

More Inflexible than Imagined

More inflexible than imagined

Amit Malewar

An oligosaccharide molecule, essential in living organisms, makes up a chain of sugar building blocks. The particle additionally contributes to the insusceptible framework's capacity to...

Recent Stories

Depression and its impact on physical health


Phoenix galaxy cluster found in the act of extreme cooling


Life-like 3D synthetic materials move by themselves like worms


A new fabrication technique for high-performance photon detectors


The existence of a nuclear-spin dark state proved

Quantum Computing