Earth crust
Evidence of an ancient seafloor that sank deep into Earth
Ancient sunken seafloor reveals earth’s deep secrets.
A mountaintop collapsed into the sea and triggered a mega-tsunami
Greenland landslide caused nine-day earthquake.
How did Earth’s continents form? Study adds new information to the debate
Formation of magmas thought to hold clues.
Source rocks of the first real continents uncovered
A missing link in the enigmatic story of how the continents developed.
Sounds of Earth’s crust
MIT scientists find the sounds beneath our feet are fingerprints of rock stability.
A molten rock layer discovered hidden under Earth’s tectonic plates
The study might help settle a long-standing debate about how tectonic plates move.
A 4-Billion-year-old ancient piece of Earth’s crust found underneath Western Australia
Lasers light the way to the discovery of ancient crust.
Evidence that giant meteorite impacts formed Earth’s continents
Giant impacts provide a mechanism for fracturing the crust.
When did earth’s plate subduction begin?
Several billion-year-old rocks tell the story of the planet’s transition from alien landscape to one of continents, oceans, and ultimately life.
Revealing atmosphere loss during planetary collisions
Giant impacts have a wide range of consequences for young planets and their atmospheres.
The mystery of Earth’s vanishing crust solved
The Earth's crust is what we live on and is by far the thinnest layers of Earth. The thickness varies depending on where you...